The Magical Fat-Burning Benefits of Maccha Green Tea

Let me start off by saying that the origins of this Japanese green tea dictate that it’s properly spelled “maccha.”  However, it’s more commonly spelled “matcha” in other parts of the world.  Being an English major myself, I could not bring myself to spell it incorrectly so I went with maccha since it’s how it’s […]

ACV Weight Loss Booster

Adding two teaspoons of ACV to 16 ounces of water and sipping it throughout the day may help boost weight loss efforts.  When obese individuals were given daily doses of ACV over a 12-week study, they enjoyed reduced belly fat, waist circumference, lower blood triglycerides and weight loss. Apple Cider Vinegar balances pH levels, cleanses […]

50% off sale on my most popular kick-sugar system!

It's that time of year!   Aside from being my favorite (I'm a total weenie!), sugar is everywhere – more so than usual.  Now don't get me wrong.  I don't demonize any one particular food. Sugar has a purpose, except when it becomes a crutch, as it is for so many people. If that's you, […]

6 Easy Ways to Diet Without Truly Dieting

I’m not a fan of dieting.  In fact, I don’t, and haven’t in years.  When my weight fluctuates, I simply take note, and try to figure out why, instead of throwing myself into a rigid diet that I really can’t stand and in the end, only leaves me feeling deprived and miserable. I can't deny it.  I […]