7 Reasons to Quit Using Store-Bought Deodorant and What To Try Instead

If you’re like me, you’ve tried them all.  I would venture to say I’ve bought literally hundreds of different natural deodorants, to no avail, but with the stats on store-bought deodorant, what’s the alternative? First things first.  Store-bought is killing you, literally.  It’s obvious everyone wants to smell fresh.  95% of Americans use it, making […]

Why I Like T Tapp and Why You Should Too!

You may or may not have heard of it, but T Tapp is a revolutionary way to work out that’s not new, but not all that well-known either.  But it should be! I’d known about it for a few years, and as with anything, it took me a minute to catch on to it.  It […]

4 Reasons Why You Will Never Have Any Energy If You Keep Eating Sugar

Sugar has gotten a bad rap over the years, and rightfully so.  Otherwise known as the bad boy of the food industry, you’ll be hard pressed to find food made without it, which makes sense considering the drive for food manufacturers is profit versus health. Initially used to sweeten breakfast porridge in 1689, the first […]

5 Totally Affordable Ways to Have a Healthy Thyroid Naturally

There’s a lot of talk about thyroid disorders, thyroid diseases, cancer, autoimmune conditions, and a lot more related to your thyroid out there right now, but who’s talking about thyroid health? Things get very complicated in the world of healthcare, as if your body is too complicated to understand. Research goes on in search of […]