Faces and smilesMost people are under the impression that when it comes to losing weight, it’s all about what you’re doing instead of what you’re thinking, and nothing could be further from the truth.

Because the truth is, [bctt tweet=”the most critical part of weight loss doesn’t begin in your body. It begins in your head!”] What you think influences everything, and I do mean everything, including and particularly your weight and body image.

Now, don’t discount stress, because stress in any form is the cause of any physical ailment or disorder, and yet emotional stress tops the list of reasons why you’re sick, dying and toxic.  I’ll bet if you sat down right now and wrote your thoughts down most of them would be the result of stress!

Financial issues, personal disagreements or hating your job are all just the beginning of what I mean, but add to that thoughts like, “I can’t stop eating so much,” “I’m too fat,” “I need to go on a diet,” and a whole host of other negative beliefs about yourself, food and your body and it all becomes too overwhelming.

I’m about to say something that sounds like an excuse but it’s not, and that is, it’s not your fault!  What do I mean?  Basically, when you were a kid, you couldn’t help but absorb the toxic beliefs of the people who raised you, the media and society in general.  As children, we don’t have the capacity to filter out our own beliefs from those of the people around us, therefore they become us.

Ultimately, we think and act just like them later in life, as adults, even though it’s likely you swore you’d never be like your mom, dad, or whoever else it was you couldn’t stand while growing up!

Your mind is too vulnerable at the tender age of 5, 6 or 7 than to simply trust what you see and hear as fact.  So when you hear your mom berate herself for being too fat, or some bully on the playground who ridicules you for how you look, you believe them and often times learn to treat yourself the same way.

Call them much-needed life lessons, but there are five feelings you must master in order for weight loss to work, to get your mind clear and strong, and to reduce stress so that your weight can more easily release itself, otherwise you’ll stay overweight!

  1. You have to feel safe.  This was a huge one for me!  Growing up in a volatile household, I learned to rely on fear as a safety net.  It sounds strange but true.  Whenever I was afraid, the fear (as it’s supposed to do) spurred me to action, except in this case, it resulted in an unhealthy response to eat.  If I felt threatened or attacked, I’d eat as a form of protection and ultimately, if it persisted, I’d gain enough weight to feel safe.  It wasn’t until I came to understand, on a subconscious level, that I didn’t need my weight to protect me, that I was able to stop overeating if I felt afraid of my circumstances. 
  2. You have to feel loved.  Have you ever heard the phrase “food is love?”  Especially growing up Italian, it was not only said but felt!  If I wasn’t eating, something was wrong with me, and, to the contrary, if I overate, something was wrong with me too.  It was the biggest conundrum until I felt loved in ways other than through food.
  3. You have to feel fulfilled.  Variety is a basic human need that has to be fulfilled, every day all day, so if you’re bored, you indelibly have to find a way to overcome it.  Enter food.  Millions of people eat out of boredom and most don’t even realize it!  Boredom was always been a strong driver for me to eat when I’m not really hungry, unless l find ways to fill my time with enough variety that I only eat when I’m truly hungry.
  4. You have to feel important, or in other words, have a healthy self-esteem.  Again, speaking of basic human needs, this is another one.  Your emotions are rooted in parts of you that you can’t access on a conscious level, but rather are stored in your subconscious and are just automatic reactions to life.  But it’s important to be aware of them and the need to feel important is one of them.  Call it egotistical, and it somewhat is, but it’s also factual.  We’re hardwired to feel important, and without a healthy self-esteem, your subconscious beliefs that you’re not good enough, aren’t worthy and aren’t deserving instinctually take over.  But take note, because this one is a big liar!     
  5. You have to feel motivated.  It goes without saying, being motivated is key with weight loss, however, it’s not enough alone.  If that’s all it took, all those diets you’ve done in the past would’ve worked permanently.  So obviously there’s something more to the story (refer to 1-4 above).  Regardless, motivation is critical to the process, and usually comes at a point when you’ve hit rock bottom, which is different for everybody. 

I think it’s highly important to note that if you feel guilty, ashamed, embarrassed, or confused about your weight, you’re not alone, and there are lasting solutions available to you.  However, they do require work of which is probably the hardest work you’ll ever encounter in your life. 

Weight is merely a symptom of an imbalance in your body and for so many, that imbalance is emotional, and yet once you’re on the straight and narrow, it can easily become something you never have to think about again.

Much love,

PS: If you're looking for more help with weight loss, start here.  I'd love to meet you, and talk to you!

Landing page imageAngela Minelli is an author, speaker and founder of Angela Minelli International, a heart-based global business serving purpose-driven everyday women and entrepreneurs whose self-image and weight issues are inhibiting their confidence and blocking them from pursuing their life’s passion. 

Angela's joy is in taking a stand for women who are living less than ideal lives, stopped by fear and doubt, which prevents them from stepping into their innate power and delivering their God-given genius to the world. Her coaching programs and products are designed for women with busy lifestyles yet allow for powerful transformation to take place within a small segment of time.  

As a natural health practitioner and digestive health specialist, Angela specializes in helping people overcome weight and energy issues through holistic, non-invasive protocols that address the root cause of their conditions, including adrenal fatigue, candida, thyroid disorders, and more.  

Explore the ideals that are the cornerstone of her work at angelaminelli.com.