Only Read If You Hate Hot Flashes

In all my years in the field of natural health, never have I heard any one thing blamed for so much unhappiness other than menopause. Weight gain, tiredness, crankiness, poor sleep, low libido, and of course, hot flashes, are all due to that time in every woman's life when she transitions out of her childbearing […]
How to Easily Get Through Menopause Without Any Side Effects

You’ve probably heard them all. Chronic fatigue, irritability, abdominal fat, thinning hair, sleep irregularities, low libido, and the biggie, hot flashes! All symptoms typically associated with menopause. But what you probably don’t hear is that all of them are totally unavoidable, without medication or HRT no less! How so? I know this may seem like […]
The Magical Fat-Burning Benefits of Maccha Green Tea
Let me start off by saying that the origins of this Japanese green tea dictate that it’s properly spelled “maccha.” However, it’s more commonly spelled “matcha” in other parts of the world. Being an English major myself, I could not bring myself to spell it incorrectly so I went with maccha since it’s how it’s […]
7 Reasons Why Taking Cod Liver Oil Daily Is A Really Good Idea

I inadvertenly stumbled upon cod liver oil recently because I mistakenly drank too much apple cider vinegar for a month or so and it totally screwed up the enamel on my teeth. So after reading Ramiel Nagel’s Cure Tooth Decay, I learned all about cod liver oil’s ability to not only cure tooth decay, but […]