What Your Cravings Really Mean
We’re all conditioned to think cravings are bad, as if feeding yourself should be considered a sin! Yet cravings are actually quite critical when it comes to overcoming emotional eating because more than anything else, they are a direct indicator of what you’re in fact feeling emotionally. Undoubtedly, cravings can also be physical, but for […]
4 Strategic Moves to Living With Someone Who Eats Differently Than You
The topic of food can be so touchy. Have you noticed? I certainly have. From friends to family to a live-in partner or significant other, it can really touch a nerve, especially if you’re “different,” i.e., vegan, vegetarian, raw, gluten-free, dairy-free, Paleo, or any other kind of foodie you can think of. But is it […]
How Feeling Sexy Makes Sex Better
As a woman, you want to feel sexy. We all do! But do you? Many women feel sexy no matter what. Whether they’re in shape, overweight, perfectly coifed or in need of a touch up, it doesn’t seem to make a difference. What makes them feel sexy isn’t necessarily how they look on the outside […]
Show People How to Respect You and They Will
When it comes to the sexes, there are a few fundamental differences that define us, one specific difference being the issue of respect. While it’s true that both men and women want and deserve respect, women more commonly complain about lack of respect than men. Why? For women, feeling respected is a big part of […]