How It’s Easy For Me to Discern Truth In a World Gone Mad

It should come as no surprise to you that our country is in a state of unrest. Protesting, mass shootings and senseless killings seem to be the new norm. Every week, almost every day, there’s news of a mass shooting somewhere, and I have to say, in all my 48 years, it’s never been like […]

VIDEO: How to Have Healthy Assertiveness

Do you let people walk all over you, or do you stand up for yourself? Too many people (sic women!) are too afraid to stand up for themselves.  Worried what people will think, what they'll say or what it may mean for you if you do, too often you do nothing, and are left with icky […]

Ageless Secrets to Looking Younger Without Face-Lifts or Botox

Let me just start out by saying that if you do look your age, that’s totally ok!  But the general consensus with most women is, they don’t want to.  If that's you, keep reading! For me, aging has been interesting – to say the least.  Weird things have started happening that I previously thought I was […]

My Life Is A Gift From God

Sometimes, God has plans for us that we don’t understand. Just over a year ago, I was headed eastbound on our local highway I480 when a 50-ton Mack truck slammed into my driver side door while making a lane change, immediately shattering my window upon impact, causing a shower of glass to fly in over my head and into […]