Why People-Pleasers Are Overweight

Are you one of those people who tries to make everyone happy?  If you’re reading this article, I'm guessing so! People-pleasers know who they are.  There’s no mistaking that one person you can count on, every time.  But on the same hand, who can she count on? The perpetual over-worker, the perpetual under-sleeper, the perpetually happy.  […]

How to Quit Your Job With No Regrets

Millions of people are on autopilot, getting up every day, going to work, hating their jobs and living a generally miserable existence as a result.  Mostly they feel stuck, like they have no other options, and are often heard saying, “What else would I do if I don’t do this?” Great question! What would you do?  […]

You Can Only Fake It For So Long

As I sit here today, reflecting back on the last six years of my life, I’m in awe of how far I’ve come. All those years in corporate really took a toll on me.  Waking up every day, dreading my day, wondering if things would ever change.  It was a soulless existence that left me […]

What It’s Like Doing God’s Work

Even just a few years ago, I would’ve never written a blog post like this, but needless to say, things have changed. Having been raised Catholic, the will of God was instilled in me at a very young age.  And while I did, and still do, believe in God (partly because it was forced on me!), […]