VW BugThere’s a little known secret between men and women that explains why women seemingly fall in love more easily than men.  It’s called oxytocin, otherwise known as “the bonding hormone,” or as I like to call it, love bug!

Oxytocin is a hormone that stimulates contractions during the birthing process, is responsible for milk ejection while lactating, and is released during orgasm.

Oh my!

The difference between the effect on men and women is that it can last up to three weeks in women and only three days in men, hence the theory of fatal attraction finally gets retribution.

[bctt tweet=”Each time a woman has an orgasm, oxytocin is released in her body”] and she becomes adhered to the man who caused it.  Or at least, was there when it happened.  So every time the same man and woman have sex, she’s bonded to him, over and over again.

It goes way back to instinct, when women were more reliant on men for survival.  Until she realizes she’s not pregnant by him, or perhaps is, she’s bonded to him for protection of her and her unborn fetus.  Yet when she finds that she’s not pregnant, and her hormones have once again stabilized, she’s basically lost that lovin’ feeling and is left wondering why she was attached to him in the first place.

Now it’s not always that she finds she’s not interested in him.  It’s possible of course that a true bond may have genuinely formed, however there are many times when a woman might think he's the proverbial one, until a few weeks later when they’ve gotten to know each other a little better and she can’t figure out why she was ever attracted to him in the first place.

(Oxytocin is basically a mind f*ck in other words!)

I could’ve spared myself so much needless emotional turmoil over the years, not to mention downright humiliation, had I realized what oxytocin was and how it worked.  Looking back now, I feel cheated, and yet, it’s all become crystal clear.

You see, when body chemistry takes over, it’s uncontrollable.  No matter how much you try to fight the feelings, they persist.  But the good news it's not your fault.  It’s actually due to oxytocin.

Personally, I think it’s totally unfair that guys get away with the long end of the stick.  At the same time though, it explains how they’re not as attached to women after sex as women are to men.

In my opinion, oxytocin may be the single greatest discovery between the sexes since Adam and Eve.  It clears the confusion of unreturned phone calls, ignored text messages and no second date.

Just remember the next time you broach the subject of sex, or dare to dabble, the effects of oxytocin are long-lasting, and powerful.  It’ll help keep your emotions in check and hopefully save you the agony of unnecessary heartache.  

While you're here, grab your free copy of my free report The Top 10 Ways to Stop Feeling So Tired All the Time – Drug-Free and Naturally!  Just click below and it will be delivered to your inbox ASAP.

With Love,
Angela Minelli

Headshot 150x150 6 Truths I Learned (or Re Learned) This Year

Angela Minelli is an author, speaker and founder of Angela Minelli International, a heart-based global business serving purpose-driven everyday women and entrepreneurs whose self-image and weight issues are inhibiting their confidence and blocking them from pursuing their life’s passion. 

Angela's joy is in taking a stand for women who are living less than ideal lives, stopped by fear and doubt, which prevents them from stepping into their innate power and delivering their God-given genius to the world. Her coaching programs and products are designed for women with busy lifestyles yet allow for powerful transformation to take place within a small segment of time.  

As a natural health practitioner and digestive health specialist, Angela specializes in helping people overcome weight and energy issues through holistic, non-invasive protocols that address the root cause of their conditions, including adrenal fatigue, candida, thyroid disorders, and more.  

Explore the ideals that are the cornerstone of her work at angelaminelli.com.

8 Responses

  1. Interesting article Angelia, This explains very well what happens in so many relationships. Thanks for sharing. I have grandchildren that might like to understand this better. But then they know everything so they may have heard it already. 🙂

  2. Hi Joyce! This is a great topic for young people to understand better for sure, especially sexually active girls. Young women are overly emotional as is and knowing how their hormones effect them when it comes to sex will help them understand how their feeling better. Thanks @Julie, yes – even us older gals needs emotional support too!

  3. Sheesh Angela, where was this info when I neeeeded it! Could have changed the whole course of my life. Well, thanks to you the word is OUT and I’ll definitely help spread it. Now you just need to add some of Julie’s aromatherapy and Katie’s ‘glutin birth control’ and the three of you could develop quite a biz. Hmmm, lot’s of angles there. Thanks for a great article.

  4. Great info, Angela. Hormones rule our lives in so many ways when we don’t understand what’s happening. Interesting, though, how this contrasts with the old adage I grew up with that “women give sex when they feel love, and men feel love as a result of having sex.”

  5. Grrr… This is totally unfair Angela! I guess I need to practice saying, “No, please don’t call me for at least 3 weeks, so I can decide if I actually want to do this again…” Could work. And then in between, practice acts of self-arousal, which should increase self-love if nobody else is there to attribute the oxytocin to! Right?