Weight gain: Temporary defeat or failure?

Recently I gained a few pounds, enough to go up almost a whole pants size. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t bother me, especially since I teach weight loss, so what did I do? Let’s start with what I didn’t do: call myself a loser with no willpower panic engage in negative self-talk […]
Losing Weight Is No Guarantee You’ll Never Feel Fat Again

How many times have you thought to yourself, “If only I were thin, I’d never have to think about my weight again?” As if losing weight will magically make everything better, and you’ll never feel fat again. If only that were true. Weight and body is an ongoing process. You’re never really done, as you’re […]
VIDEO: How Basic Human Needs Impact Emotional Eating

Basic human needs are the catalyst for most eating behavior. In this video, find out: the top 3 how they affect eating a simple way to counteract emotional eating! And don't forget to download a copy of my free eCourse how to stop emotional eating! Just click the button here: Enjoy! Angela Angela Minelli is an […]
Why a Healthy Detox is Essential to Healthy Living

There was a time when detoxes were considered odd or weird, but with the amount of toxins in our food and water nowadays, detoxing has become essential to healthy living. Toxins are in everything, from pharmaceutical drugs to register receipts, to food, air, and water. A toxin is essentially a poisonous substance and can be internal […]