The Great Dairy Debate

Milk. It does a body a good. Doesn’t it? For 3 years, I’ve been dairy-free – for the most part. Sometimes it sneaks its way in unbeknownst to me because as diligent as I am about reading food labels, there are occasions when I miss an ingredient and before I know it, I’m eating it […]
Who Has Time to Slim Slowly?

I caught the tagline, "Who has time to slim slowly?" in a commercial the other day from a well-known giant in the weight loss industry and basically chalked it up to yet another way of convincing people into thinking there is a quick for weight loss. Irksome as it is, it's how they do! Yet it's that kind of thinking that […]
How to Tell the Difference Between Emotional and Physical Hunger

Emotional eating can be defined as eating to feed a feeling, eating for reasons other than hunger or eating triggered by an emotion, while 75% of overeating is caused by emotions according to a study by Brian Wansink, the author of Mindless Eating. The type of foods a person is drawn to varies depending on […]
Why Setting Boundaries Works for Weight Loss

Do you ever feel trapped, in a relationship, in a job, or even in the confines of your own mind? Setting boundaries is a big topic, and means a lot to me personally, because I used to never do it. But now, I consider it my #1 strategy to staying centered and focused so that I don’t […]