5 Likely Reasons You’re Low in Enzymes and What to Do About It
An often neglected aspect of health is enzymes, and even more so, the signs of an enzyme deficiency and how it affects you. In fact, most people aren’t even sure what enzymes are, what they do, or how critical they are when the truth is, enzymes guarantee life whereas without them, life could not exist. […]
What To Do When You’re Afraid of Your Doctor
Increasingly, people tell me over and over that they’re too afraid to tell their doctor no, to surgery, medication or their suggestions in general, so they just comply in order to avoid confrontation or criticism. I find it especially true for people who want to try holistic modalities of treatment, especially for diseases like cancer […]
5 Common Food Labels and What They Mean
I’ve been at this for over 5 years now, and even I still get confused about what food labels mean! And I have to wonder sometimes too – are they true? So I did some research to find out for myself if all-natural, organic and calorie-free mean what they claim. The now age-old debate over […]
3 Tips to Avoiding the Hotel Mini Bar
With the holidays just around the corner, the chances you'll be traveling tend to go up, so I figured I'd share my top 3 surefire tips to avoiding the mini bar in your hotel room! With all my experience traveling, both personally and professionally, I've nailed this one you could say, and with all those tempting treats […]