How to Make Natural Toothpaste You’ll Want to Use Every Day

There are a number of reasons why I recommend making your own toothpaste, aside from the obvious which is that everything homemade is better – especially nowadays! But particularly in this case. Fluoridated toothpaste, despite the claims, is actually quite unhealthy and not at all good for you. Fluoride is a toxic halogen for one, which suppresses thyroid function and can […]
Weight Loss and Spirituality

Usually when you think of losing weight, you don't typically consult your local temple or start a prayer circle. That’s because weight loss today is commonly centered around diets like low-cal, low-fat or low-carb, or treadmills and marathons. But have you ever considered the spiritual side to weight loss? I know I never did, until recently, when […]
VIDEO: The Power of Gratitude
One lesson I've learned the hard way is not using the power of gratitude, for EVERYTHING – even the bad stuff! On the other hand, there have definitely been times when I was using it, but I never made the connection between gratitude and the results I was getting in life. Now there's no mistaking it. […]
The Benefits and How-To’s of Dry Skin Brushing

Have you ever wondered what those long spindly brushes are for that you find at the natural health food store? If you haven’t yet figured it out, you’re in for a real treat! I’ve been dry brushing for the past 5 years or so, and I wouldn’t go a day without it. I’ve found nothing […]