a gluten free breads on wood backgroundGoing gluten-free seems to be all the rage.  Over the last 5-10 years alone, it’s become increasingly more and more popular, and in my opinion, more and more confusing! 

Whether you’re gluten-free or not, it’s certainly gotten a lot of people’s attention either way, and at the same time, has a lot of people confused about what it is, and if it’s something they even need to concern themselves with.

It wasn’t until I got into the field of holistic nutrition 10 years ago that I even bothered to pay attention to it myself.  However, after studying it as extensively as I have, and examining both sides of the coin, there is no denying gluten is definitely something you want to consider giving up, particularly if you are celiac or have NCGS (non-celiac gluten sensitivity).

And yet, this is one of those things that’s easier said than done.

Despite the statistics, with more than 3 million people in the US suffering from celiac disease, or one in 133, and even more staggering numbers for those with NCGS, people still love gluten.  Bread, pasta, cakes, and cookies seem to win out every time.

Even knowing the ultimate consequences, which include malnutrition, osteoporosis, chronic pain, depression, arthritis, fatigue, just to name a few, the idea of not eating it seems more overwhelming than the thought of developing degenerative diseases.

Not to mention the immediate side effects that happen too.  Bloating, anxiety, constipation, and headaches aren’t all in your head.  They’re real reactions, and since many symptoms of gluten sensitivity and celiac are closely related to other common conditions, celiac or NCGS often times go undiagnosed.

That being the case, I’m undoubtedly in favor of going gluten-free.  Most people don’t know they're sensitive or even have celiac, and in the meantime, it’s dramatically impacting their health.  It might seem preposterous that something as simple as food could be killing you, and if that’s you, it’s time to wake up.

Because it literally is.

If you’re serious about your health, and ready to give it a try, I’ve included my top eight tips to make going gluten-free easy so that you don’t have to look very far to get started.  After years of being gluten-free myself, as well as a strong supporter of people being in total control of their health, I think you’ll agree my tips will make accomplishing the task much more doable.  

  1. Start out with a detox.  Detoxing is a great way to reset your system and allow your body to heal from the inside out.  All the damage in your gut from eating gluten needs time to heal, which luckily begins as soon as you do go gluten-free, and a detox is the best way for your body to start to heal naturally plus absorb much-needed nutrients it’s been lacking for so long.
  2. Read labels. This is an essential skill for going gluten-free. [bctt tweet=”Even if something says gluten-free, read the label!”] The term gluten itself is rarely seen on a label, but is rather a component of something else, such as wheat, barley or rye.  And, it’s also in some foods you might not suspect, such as gravies, sauces and mixes as wheat flour is often used as a thickener or binder.  It’s also in other miscellaneous ingredients such as caramel color and maltodextrin, which is why a product may be wheat-free but not gluten-free. 
  3. Call the company itself with specific questions if you have to.  They’ll be happy to answer them, especially if it makes the difference between purchasing their product or not.
  4. Cook – often!  When you make your own meals, you know what you’re putting into them, whereas eating out can be tricking if you’re gluten-free.  It’s not impossible, especially nowadays.  Restaurants have come a long way to accommodate the gluten-free crowd, yet there is still always the chance you take of cross contamination no matter how careful you think you are.
  5. Bring your own food to holidays, parties or any gathering where you’re uncertain of what your food choices will be.  Make something everyone will love and no one will be any wiser plus you can eat too!
  6. Take enzymes!  And I don’t mean any old enzymes.  PH-balanced, plant-based enzymes are always your best bet.  You can’t live without enzymes, yet it’s likely you’re deficient, which that alone will destroy your gut.  Add to it the combined effects of a gluten intolerance and your gut is under constant attack.  Enzymes will help counterattack the negative impact of gluten on your digestive tract and if nothing else, aid in digesting your food, thereby reducing gut inflammation and indigestibility, which is the main reason why gluten is so offensive.
  7. Eat one-ingredient foods, like kale, broccoli, avocadoes, tomatoes, beans, etc. It makes eating a lot less complicated, and they’re just as nature intended!
  8. When in doubt, leave it out!  Abstinence is best when it comes to gluten and all its hidden sources.

Going gluten-free can definitely be confusing, distressing and too much to think about, yet understanding what it’s doing to you and what you can do fast to prevent it from getting worse should be enough to help you get past any mental blocks you have to taking the plunge. In time, it does get easier, and just your way of life, and after a short while, you don’t even miss it and you certainly don’t miss the chronic side effects that plagued you and caused you to go gluten-free in the first place!

I have one more freebie for you too.  Just click the buton below for my free eCourse that not only teaches you the basics of how to stop emotional eating, but covers going gluten-free too (because going gluten-free, or anything free, triggers an emotional reaction to food!).


Angela Minelli is an author, speaker and founder of Angela Minelli International, a heart-based global business serving purpose-driven everyday women and entrepreneurs whose self-image and weight issues are inhibiting their confidence and blocking them from pursuing their life’s passion. 

Angela's joy is in taking a stand for women who are living less than ideal lives, stopped by fear and doubt, which prevents them from stepping into their innate power and delivering their God-given genius to the world. Her coaching programs and products are designed for women with busy lifestyles yet allow for powerful transformation to take place within a small segment of time.  

As a natural health practitioner and digestive health specialist, Angela specializes in helping people overcome weight and energy issues through holistic, non-invasive protocols that address the root cause of their conditions, including adrenal fatigue, candida, thyroid disorders, and more.  

Explore the ideals that are the cornerstone of her work at angelaminelli.com.