Mint Chocolate Chip Detox Shake

I love this shake, detox or not! The origins came to me by way of Dr. Sara Gottfried who I personally think is an absolute genius when it comes to understanding hormones and their effect on weight and health, especially around menopause. Recently approaching it myself I've definitely seen a few extra pounds around my […]
5 Feelings You Must Master in Order for Weight Loss to Work

Most people are under the impression that when it comes to losing weight, it’s all about what you’re doing instead of what you’re thinking, and nothing could be further from the truth. Because the truth is, [bctt tweet=”the most critical part of weight loss doesn’t begin in your body. It begins in your head!”] What […]
Lose Weight Like It’s Your Job

I’m a big fan of uncovering mental blocks when it comes to losing weight. In fact, it’s something I talk and teach about often for I’m always looking for ways to parallel my own understanding on such a broad and diverse topic that gets misinterpreted, in my opinion, over and over again. So I got to thinking once […]
Appetite Suppressants Vs Anti-Suppressants: Which One’s Better?

A recent post on Facebook got me thinking. A woman who sells a popular weight loss product listed “appetite suppressant” as one of the benefits of using it, which prompted me to ask, “Why would you want to suppress your appetite?” Millions of products on the market hail the virtues of suppressing your appetite as […]