Chocolate Coconut Power Balls

When it comes to staying sugar free, I am not down for depriving myself! A great way to keep the sweetness in your life without the guilt is by making a delectable treat like the one below that comes to me by way of my friend Karen Russell of Recipe 4 Wellness. Ingredients: ½ cup unsweetened […]
The Great Dairy Debate

Milk. It does a body a good. Doesn’t it? For 3 years, I’ve been dairy-free – for the most part. Sometimes it sneaks its way in unbeknownst to me because as diligent as I am about reading food labels, there are occasions when I miss an ingredient and before I know it, I’m eating it […]
Who Has Time to Slim Slowly?

I caught the tagline, "Who has time to slim slowly?" in a commercial the other day from a well-known giant in the weight loss industry and basically chalked it up to yet another way of convincing people into thinking there is a quick for weight loss. Irksome as it is, it's how they do! Yet it's that kind of thinking that […]
Food Cravings: Friend or Foe?

When it comes to food cravings, people have it all wrong. They have a tendency to think cravings are the enemy, and attempt to demonize them into submission, when really they're a sign of a much deeper imbalance that your body is trying to convey to you. Sugar, chocolate, carbs – just about anything associated with […]