Eat Fat for Weight Loss Not Low-Fat

Fat often gets a bad rap, from fatty foods, to cooking fats, to just being fat, and there's no doubt the low-fat craze has taken over the dieting industry for decades, but certain fats are actually a necessary component to good health, and weight loss. For example, there’s a reason Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s) has the […]
My Body My Weapon

In yoga class the other day, I noticed this particularly gorgeous girl with an equally gorgeous body and I thought to myself, “How does she do it?” I wasn’t so much intrigued by how she stayed slim and fit as much as I was about how easily she moved her body despite the onlookers. She flaunted […]
How to Tell the Difference Between Emotional and Physical Hunger

Emotional eating can be defined as eating to feed a feeling, eating for reasons other than hunger or eating triggered by an emotion, while 75% of overeating is caused by emotions according to a study by Brian Wansink, the author of Mindless Eating. The type of foods a person is drawn to varies depending on […]
How Enzymes Are Key to Overcoming Chronic Fatigue and Aging Simply By Fixing Your Gut

Enzymes have often been referred to as the key to life, which, after extensive study and training, combined with personal experience, I have to say I agree. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I even knew what an enzyme was, let alone what it did for me, but ever since, I’ve been a full-on junkie. […]