Who’s Eating When You’re Eating?

Who’s really at the table eating when you’re eating? Is it the adolescent you? The teenage you? The rebel? The more I work with clients and talk to people in general, I find that one of the most overlooked aspects of eating is knowing who is in charge at meal time, yet undeniably there’s more […]
How Pleasure Fuels Your Metabolic Power

For a long time, I’d been on a quest to prove what I'd been taught about holistic weight loss regarding Vitamin P, or pleasure. As a culture, it's instilled in us that the more punishing our lifestyle, i.e. depriving ourselves of foods we love, restricting, etc., somehow, the more rewarding, yet the concept of pleasure completely turns this belief upside […]
How Emotions Underlie Your Eating Behaviors

In my work as a Mind-Body Nutrition Coach, the one aspect I see consistently amongst clients is how their emotions impact their eating, and yet many times they are completely unaware of it. When people approach me about working together, they almost always cite their lack of exercise and overeating as to why they’re overweight, yet it's fascinating too how […]
Lose Weight Like It’s Your Job

I’m a big fan of uncovering mental blocks when it comes to losing weight. In fact, it’s something I talk and teach about often for I’m always looking for ways to parallel my own understanding on such a broad and diverse topic that gets misinterpreted, in my opinion, over and over again. So I got to thinking once […]