5 Absolute Signs You’ve Overcome Emotional Eating

It’s always good to know the signs of an emotional eater, and when you’re actually emotionally eating, because despite what you hear otherwise, there is simply no other way to achieve any degree of permanent weight loss without it. But how do you know when you’ve overcome it? Believe it or not, there comes a […]
Bread As Comfort Food

I know one of the biggest comfort foods for women is bread, and before I went gluten free, it was for me too. I hear it all the time from clients, but is it really so bad? Whenever they tell me about it, it’s always said in a hushed tone with an air of guilt accompanying […]
VIDEO: How to Deal With Food Envy
Food envy is one of those taboo topics most people don't want to talk about, yet it's there! You may have found yourself in a situation pretending not to care what someone next to you is eating, all the while you're dying inside, wishing it were you. In my video, How to Deal With Food Envy, I […]
Lose Weight Like It’s Your Job

I’m a big fan of uncovering mental blocks when it comes to losing weight. In fact, it’s something I talk and teach about often for I’m always looking for ways to parallel my own understanding on such a broad and diverse topic that gets misinterpreted, in my opinion, over and over again. So I got to thinking once […]