Holiday Anti-Guilt Diet Guide

The holidays are a time of joy and good cheer – right? Well, sort of. Unfortunately, too many people (a.k.a. women) can’t seem to let go of the guilt they feel over indulging in all the season has to offer that it hardly seems worth it, but with a few precautionary measures, you can still […]
Gluten-Free Dairy-Free Green Bean Casserole

I love all the holidays classics, and in particular, good old Green Bean Casserole!* Here's a version that's gluten- and dairy-free for people with allergies but who still want to indulge! Ingredients: Organic Green Beans 1-2lbs. (pre-cook) Organic Red Pepper sliced or chopped 1 Shallot, chopped Bacon (without additives, hormones or antibiotics, Optional, precooked) 1-2 Cloves Organic […]