Why a Healthy Detox is Essential to Healthy Living

There was a time when detoxes were considered odd or weird, but with the amount of toxins in our food and water nowadays, detoxing has become essential to healthy living. Toxins are in everything, from pharmaceutical drugs to register receipts, to food, air, and water. A toxin is essentially a poisonous substance and can be internal […]
The Great Dairy Debate

Milk. It does a body a good. Doesn’t it? For 3 years, I’ve been dairy-free – for the most part. Sometimes it sneaks its way in unbeknownst to me because as diligent as I am about reading food labels, there are occasions when I miss an ingredient and before I know it, I’m eating it […]
Who Has Time to Slim Slowly?

I caught the tagline, "Who has time to slim slowly?" in a commercial the other day from a well-known giant in the weight loss industry and basically chalked it up to yet another way of convincing people into thinking there is a quick for weight loss. Irksome as it is, it's how they do! Yet it's that kind of thinking that […]
Eat Fat for Weight Loss Not Low-Fat

Fat often gets a bad rap, from fatty foods, to cooking fats, to just being fat, and there's no doubt the low-fat craze has taken over the dieting industry for decades, but certain fats are actually a necessary component to good health, and weight loss. For example, there’s a reason Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s) has the […]