Lose Weight Like It’s Your Job

I’m a big fan of uncovering mental blocks when it comes to losing weight. In fact, it’s something I talk and teach about often for I’m always looking for ways to parallel my own understanding on such a broad and diverse topic that gets misinterpreted, in my opinion, over and over again. So I got to thinking once […]
How Food Fear Influences Your Weight Loss Results

I got the impression growing up that the only way someone would love me was when I was perfect, and that included my body. So to gain weight was really scary to me. I literally felt like no one would want me, especially men, unless I was supermodel thin, so every time I gained weight, I […]
VIDEO: How to Tell If You’re About to Have An Emotional Eating Episode

When you're an emotional eater, it feels like every reason is a good reason to eat! In this video, I offer a few great tips on how to avoid an emotonal eating episode, including: what an emotional eating episode is 5 ways to tell if you're about to have an emotional eating episode my top tip to […]
The 5 Degrees of Emotional Eating

Emotional eating is a complex issue, one that’s not easily resolved overnight, and 99% of the time, has very little to do with eating itself. I talk to women every day who eat too much because their husbands ignore them, or they feel trapped in a dead end job, or they can’t bear the pain […]