Citrus Bloom Body Splash

I love homemade anything, and now, I especially love homemade perfume! Don't get me wrong.  I've still got my store standards, such as Vanillary by Lush or Gin Blossom by Love + Toast, but homemade perfume is just as divine! Of course, it's infused with my most favorite natural essence of all – essential oils!  They nearly […]

The ABC’s of Essential Oils

Essential oils are one of those “I’m-really-interested-but-I’m-not-really-sure-what-they-are” kind of things. You catch my drift? I’ve had a distant fascination with them for years which has come into a lot more focus recently.  Peppermint, lemon, frankincense, lavender.  What are they, and what are they used for?  And even more so, which is better –  doTERRA or […]