Baked spicy sweet potatoSweet potatoes are an excellent source of vitamin A, beta carotene, vitamin C, potassium, and fiber, and make a great side dish at any Thanksgiving dinner table!

Here is my own version I've made for years, with one surprise ingredient you'll never guess!  (Hint: Think garlic.)



Place the quartered sweet potato in the pan and drizzle with olive oil and about a tsp of garlic salt.  Add the butter and bake at 400 degrees 40-45 minutes.  Serve hot, warm and buttery!  Sweet potato should be soft, almost mashable.

It's almost sinful – like a dessert!  

Serves 1-2 people.   

Plus, don't miss your free copy of The Top 10 Ways to Stop Feeling So Tired All the Time – Drug-Free and Naturally!  Just click below:


Angela Minelli is anMe-2 author, speaker and founder of Angela Minelli International, a heart-based global business serving purpose-driven everyday women and entrepreneurs whose self-image and weight issues are inhibiting their confidence and blocking them from pursuing their life’s passion. 

Angela's joy is in taking a stand for women who are living less than ideal lives, stopped by fear and doubt, which prevents them from stepping into their innate power and delivering their God-given genius to the world. Her coaching programs and products are designed for women with busy lifestyles yet allow for powerful transformation to take place within a small segment of time.  

As a natural health practitioner and digestive health specialist, Angela specializes in helping people overcome weight and energy issues through holistic, non-invasive protocols that address the root cause of their conditions, including adrenal fatigue, candida, thyroid disorders, and more.  

Explore the ideals that are the cornerstone of her work at