relax into weight lossStandard weight loss protocols usually involve forcing or punishing your way to success in some way, not to mention denying yourself pleasure from food along with your natural instinct to just plain slow down. 

As a culture, we tend to seek out low-calorie diets, or the latest fad, when we're trying to lose weight, vowing each time will be different, and then overdo it at the gym as payback for our indulgences because for so many, actually enjoying food borders on a criminal act.

Where and how have we gotten so off course with weight loss?  Since when should it be mandatory that we torture ourselves in an effort to maintain our vanity and our health?  Of course we all want to look good, but are militaristic, hard knocks approaches really the answer?

I used to go about it the exact same way myself.  I'd run, kickbox or over-aerobic my way to the perfect body.  Paired with the latest diet, I thought I had it licked.  Inside though, I knew something was amiss (because I really hated it), and more so, that how I was going about it was all off.  I just didn’t know any better.

But now, all that’s changed.

My new approach involves, simply put – just being myself.  It’s stress-free.  It’s submissive.  It’s natural and organic.  It’s about being in my feminine energy more, one that loves attention and pampering, and punishing myself less, and allowing my body to course correct on its own without any interference or misguided direction imposed by mainstream media.

The path to losing weight naturally doesn’t involve shakes, meal plans or chemicalized, pre-packaged food.  It doesn’t demand strenuous exercise that causes more stress on your body, which ultimately outweighs any benefit, and it certainly doesn’t require you to deny yourself the innate pleasure of food.

[bctt tweet="To lose weight naturally requires relaxation."] In other words, letting go of the intense desire to lose weight altogether, and learning to slow down.  Chewing more.  Trusting your body, and your instinct.  Developing healthy boundaries and saying no when you need to.

One of the biggest keys to losing weight naturally is first accepting where you are and then trying to decipher the inherent message in your weight itself.  Stop trying to fight it and instead, claim it and own the potential energy it carries that once released, will invoke magnitudes of creativity and imagination on levels you never accessed before.

If you're an artist, go to art class.  If you're a designer, design!  If you crochet, crochet more.  I'm sure your appetite will be satisfied when you fully indulge in things that feed you in ways that food never can.

As women, it’s not natural for us to employ masculine strategies to weight loss that involve weighing and measuring food, counting calories, and militant exercise, yet that's what we're taught to do so that's our natural go-to.  What about the days when you never thought about losing weight, and just were?  

What you've most likely missed along the way is that how you express your feminine polarity – or don't – strongly affects how you calorie burn. Dynamically, there’s a certain soul place for men and women that has the matching polarity and when men are expressing their masculine there is more of a sense of flow and the same applies to women.

Intuitively, when you express who you are down to your corre, your body naturally starts to take shape, so it’s clearly about so much more than just food.  Until you let go of the notion that weight loss is strictly about what you're eating and how much you're exercising, you'll likely never get it right.

Relaxing into weight loss can be quite a new concept for many people, considering what most are used to, even though relaxation is core energy that's merely being suppressed.  Be easy on yourself though as it can take time for you to fully embrace, especially if you're used to the exact opposite.  

It’s simply a matter of reconnecting with the part of you that you've been ignoring for so long, stuffing down feelings that are dying to be expressed.  Feelings won't be ignored, but the more you try, the more they'll rebel, and you'll only prolong reaching your goal sooner.

One more thing!  I have another resource for you that will help  It's my free eCourse on how to stop emotional eating.  To get your copy, just click the button below!

Have so much fun!

Angela Minelli is an author, speaker and founder of Angela Minelli International, a heart-based global business serving purpose-driven everyday women and entrepreneurs whose self-image and weight issues are inhibiting their confidence and blocking them from pursuing their life’s passion. 

Angela's joy is in taking a stand for women who are living less than ideal lives, stopped by fear and doubt, which prevents them from stepping into their innate power and delivering their God-given genius to the world. Her coaching programs and products are designed for women with busy lifestyles yet allow for powerful transformation to take place within a small segment of time.  

As a natural health practitioner and digestive health specialist, Angela specializes in helping people overcome weight and energy issues through holistic, non-invasive protocols that address the root cause of their conditions, including adrenal fatigue, candida, thyroid disorders, and more.  

Explore the ideals that are the cornerstone of her work at

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