How to Honor Your Feelings Without Food

One of the hardest things for an emotional eater to do is to put food down when they’re in the throes of an emotional eating episode. But if you ever stand a chance of breaking the cycle, it’s critical that you learn how. In all my years in practice, plus my own life experience itself, […]
6 Overlooked Reasons Why You’re Overweight

Being overweight can be confusing, especially if you’re someone who works out and eats right. Believe it or not, even if you’re doing everything you think you’re supposed to be doing, you might not be doing enough, which will cause weight to creep up or not budge. If you’re trying to reach a certain goal, […]
10 Highly Anti-Inflammatory Foods You Need to Know About

Inflammation in your body is one of those things you don’t want to mess around with. It’s considered one of the five root causes of illness, which means one day, if prolonged enough, it can kill you. But inflammation can be good and bad. If you cut yourself, inflammation at the site of your injury […]
A Great Way to Work Out Without Actually Working Out

I’m like you. Busy all the time, on-the-go, pulled in a million different directions. But like you too, working out, or just moving somehow, is important to me, so I'm always looking for different ways to work out. I can tell when I haven’t been active in forever. My body feels like sludge, and of […]