My Life Is A Gift From God

Sometimes, God has plans for us that we don’t understand. Just over a year ago, I was headed eastbound on our local highway I480 when a 50-ton Mack truck slammed into my driver side door while making a lane change, immediately shattering my window upon impact, causing a shower of glass to fly in over my head and into […]
Why People-Pleasers Are Overweight

Are you one of those people who tries to make everyone happy? If you’re reading this article, I'm guessing so! People-pleasers know who they are. There’s no mistaking that one person you can count on, every time. But on the same hand, who can she count on? The perpetual over-worker, the perpetual under-sleeper, the perpetually happy. […]
The Undeniable Truth About BMI and Weight Loss

When it comes to weight loss, there are many different theories on what works best, one being the relativity of BMI. BMI stands for body mass index, and it’s a measure of body fat based on the weight and height of adult men and women. The real question though is, does it matter when it […]
Accepting 100% Responsibility for Yourself

In school, we’re taught basic fundamentals like reading, writing and arithmetic. But there’s so much that school leaves out that’s required for a well-rounded life, like effective social skills, healthy emotional management and knowing how to accept 100% responsibility for yourself. This is a big one, and one most people don’t get. Most times people […]