The Sweet Truth About Stevia

I’ve gone back and forth with stevia for years.  It seems like sometimes I like it, sometimes I love it, and sometimes I’m like, “meh.” But the bottom line is, stevia has helped me out of a tight spot more than once.  I’ve been known to have a sweet tooth, and the older I’ve gotten, the […]

The ABC’s of Essential Oils

Essential oils are one of those “I’m-really-interested-but-I’m-not-really-sure-what-they-are” kind of things. You catch my drift? I’ve had a distant fascination with them for years which has come into a lot more focus recently.  Peppermint, lemon, frankincense, lavender.  What are they, and what are they used for?  And even more so, which is better –  doTERRA or […]

VIDEO: How to Deal With Food Envy

Food envy is one of those taboo topics most people don't want to talk about, yet it's there!  You may have found yourself in a situation pretending not to care what someone next to you is eating, all the while you're dying inside, wishing it were you. In my video, How to Deal With Food Envy, I […]

Sleep Time is Realignment-of-Energies Time

People really want their sleep, and who could blame them?  Without proper sleep, I know I'm not happy.  Nothing seems to go right, plus, it makes me manic and those around me aren’t all that happy either! Sleep is so fundamental to health.  It affects brain function, cognitive ability, your ability to manage stress – even your weight. Which is […]