Even just a few years ago, I would’ve never written a blog post like this, but needless to say, things have changed.
Having been raised Catholic, the will of God was instilled in me at a very young age. And while I did, and still do, believe in God (partly because it was forced on me!), I turned away from it, rebelling against the pressure to conform and the expectations of people who never really “got” me.
Let's just say I had to go out on my own and find myself first before I could fully commit to the belief that a God even existed. There were so many things I was taught that I didn’t agree with, such as the fear of God. I mean He was loving right? Or that the only way to practice your belief meant going to church and tithing.
It wasn’t until many years later that I found my way back to the whole concept of a higher power, but not by attending mass and paying penance. Rather, it was a deep spiritual awakening that reconnected me to the Almighty in a way that felt much more real and authentic.
And took me by complete surprise too.
Everyone has their own form of worship, and while I’m not perfect, I believe faith is a personal thing, one that cannot and shouldn’t be dictated by organized religion. In other words, I know I’m not going to hell if I don’t give 10% of my earnings to the church every week and I don’t need anyone trying to tell me otherwise.
In the end, it was my faith in myself, along with my desire for truth, that truly saved me.
I was a wayward soul for years, dabbling in excesses and refuting the word of God, thinking how could there even be a God with everything that’s wrong with the world? I felt He failed me at times, making life hard, not realizing the good times were from Him too though.
(There was so much more good than bad by the way.)
But as with everything, I tend to take the long road, making it harder on myself than it has to be, while all the while He’s right there waiting for me to figure it out.
My jobs were unbearable, my relationships deplorable. Food was my drug of choice. When I finally hit rock bottom I finally realized how disconnected I was in the first place from my true spirit. My intuition. The all-knowing.
Which led me back to the one solid truth that I had denied so many years before.
I don’t preach, and God knows I have my faults, but it was in those times that I discovered the truth of who I am. An infinite being, capable of infinite things, but I’d been led astray only to rediscover myself all over again.
As a result, today, I do God’s work.
It may not seem like it, but God’s work can show up in many different ways that don’t even involve religion. Instead, it’s simply about being in service, to people, to humanity, to the planet and all its inhabitants.
I may not be a priest, a pastor, a minister, or any other person of the cloth, but I’m still a servant. A faithful one at that. I know Christ consciousness resides within me and that I am God, created in His image, and therefore possess His same power.
I can do anything. Be anything. Have anything! And I can do it in a way that serves the Lord and my fellow man at the same time.
Leaving my job 8 years ago to build a business in the field of natural health with no other job or spouse as backup was a risky move at that. Yet I was compelled, so I did it anyways. But because all my so-called security was now gone, I had no choice but to find it in something else.
So I found it in faith, and trust, and my connection to source energy, that which I call God.
I never wanted to be a bible-thumping holy roller, and by no means am I, and I don’t have to be to share my beliefs about what works for me. My day-to-day now involves doing meaningful work, helping people heal from emotional and physical trauma that’s interfered so long in their lives they never knew there was any other way.
But that’s not me so much as it's God, working through me. Plain and simple. I never experienced that same level of satisfaction in any other job I've ever had.
Now I look forward to life instead of trying to avoid it. The magical things that happen to me every day never cease to amaze me. I could never do it without God’s help, or my own understanding that I was worth saving and fighting for.
I’m a survivor, of many things unholy, but had I not known deep inside that there was so much more to me, I would’ve given up and never had the chance to do the work I was always meant to do.
[bctt tweet=”You can do God’s work and be in service, doing work you were meant to do, too.”] The saying, “That which you seek is seeking you” is undoubtedly true. But it’s up to you to know what that is, and do it, which can be far from easy, and a long road too, but just as worth it and satisfying for you as it was for me when you do.
No matter what your beliefs, no matter your station in life, your best asset is your faith too, because when you have nothing else, you'll find everything you need just by having a little faith.
My free report The Top 10 Ways to Stop Feeling So Tired All the Time Drug-Free and Naturally! will help! Download it by clicking on the big blue button below:
Love Always,
Angela Minelli is an author, speaker and founder of Angela Minelli International, a heart-based global business serving purpose-driven everyday women and entrepreneurs whose self-image and weight issues are inhibiting their confidence and blocking them from pursuing their life’s passion.
Angela's joy is in taking a stand for women who are living less than ideal lives, stopped by fear and doubt, which prevents them from stepping into their innate power and delivering their God-given genius to the world. Her coaching programs and products are designed for women with busy lifestyles yet allow for powerful transformation to take place within a small segment of time.
As a natural health practitioner and digestive health specialist, Angela specializes in helping people overcome weight and energy issues through holistic, non-invasive protocols that address the root cause of their conditions, including adrenal fatigue, candida, thyroid disorders, and more.
Explore the ideals that are the cornerstone of her work at angelaminelli.com.