I do a lot of traveling, in fact way more than I thought I would when I left my job after having traveled extensively while I worked there.

Growing up, my mom worked for United Airlines which afforded us the luxury of extensive travel long before it became so popular.  I remember being a little kid flying first class all the time because we flew standby and always got upgraded when we got on board.

I thought I was so cool too. I'd ease on into my seat and watch everyone else corral themselves back into coach, thinking to myself, "Sucks to be YOU!"

Until I started buying my own tickets and opted for the back of the plane. I had no idea how much it actually cost to sit in first! Doik.

Flying is one thing I have never been afraid of though, not even after 911; I was on a flight a week later!  There was no way I was about to let those terrorists keep me from seeing the world.

One thing that does scare me about traveling is eating out. Whether I'm at home or abroad, food can become downright scary at times.

Airplane food in and of itself is beyond frightening. Have you ever read the ingredients? Even the peanuts are crap!

Eating gluten and dairy free can definitely present challenges for me when I'm on the road since I'm away from my own kitchen and normal rest stops where I know I can get what I want.

But that doesn't stop me from making sure I make my nutrition first.

I shot a short video for you when I was in Brazil, thanks to my friend Shannon who shot it, to help you make good choices for yourself when you're on the road.

I included my Travel Tips handout too to download and keep handy for next time you're in a plane, train or automobile.

Travel Tips

It just goes to show that no matter where you are, you can always get what you need.

With Love,

~ Angela

PS: I love to get your feedback so be sure to leave a comment below!

Angela MinelliMeet Your Host is an author, speaker and founder of Angela Minelli International, a heart-based global business serving purpose-driven everyday women and entrepreneurs whose self-image and weight issues are inhibiting their confidence and blocking them from pursuing their life’s passion. 

Angela's joy is in taking a stand for women who are living less than ideal lives, stopped by fear and doubt, which prevents them from stepping into their innate power and delivering their God-given genius to the world. Her coaching programs and products are designed for women with busy lifestyles yet allow for powerful transformation to take place within a small segment of time.  

As a natural health practitioner and digestive health specialist, Angela specializes in helping people overcome weight and energy issues through holistic, non-invasive protocols that address the root cause of their conditions, including adrenal fatigue, candida, thyroid disorders, and more.  

Explore the ideals that are the cornerstone of her work at angelaminelli.com.

12 Responses

  1. Wow! You can get dairy and gluten-free in Brazil!! This is a really good reminder Angela, that we tend not to ask for what we want enough. The 3-letter word can feed you the way you want all around the world – ASK!
    Thanks for the valuable reminder.

  2. Thanks Angela! I’m looking to travel to Spain in the near future and will be taking your advice. I’ve been a little nervous about it since I am gluten, dairy, corn, sugar and some other things free! I definitely will be staying where I can make my own food and will utilize your travel tips “cheat sheet.” I’m a big fan of Clearvite too! Thanks!

  3. Thanks for that great video Angela. You know… there have been many times when I was in a restaurant and have asked for a substitution of some sort, but I never thought to ask for something that WASN’T on the menu. That simple 3 letter word – ask – rather than settling – just ask!

  4. Hey Angela – AWESOME tips on eating healthy while on the road. I plan to do a bit of traveling this year and am diligently working on my discipline in the area. Thanks!!

  5. Love the travel tips! So helpful too, to have those questions you remind us to ask. I can’t always answer how I will feel after I eat something, but I can ask if it will serve my highest good. If I can just be mindful enough to ask that one EVERY TIME it would change my life. Thanks for the transparency and the great tips.

  6. Great tips here Angela, It is so important for people to know and understand that there is good healthy food available to them and how it will improve their health and wellbeing. As we know one of the most important keys to good health is having a good nutritious food!

  7. Angela, I loved your video. My body is gluten, dairy and sugar intollerant too. I would never have thought to ask for food I could eat. Great tips. Thanks for all the information.

  8. Great tips, Angela! Thank you for posting…and what fun to be trying out your own tips in such a fun place as Brazil!! I am away for a few days in Palm Springs as I write and I brought my rice protein powder and Nanogreens with me! There is no Whole Foods out here so I got some prepared foods from WF and put it in a cooler on our way out of town. We also found a really neat health food store in PS that makes delicious organic and vegan lunches and has other healthy foods to bring back to the hotel. The time it takes to plan and go the extra mile to get food that nourishes is so worth it! Thanks for the great reminders!