ResolutionsCan you believe it?  It's already June!  But do you remember those resolutions you made way back when, say January? 

FACT:  Resolutions have an incredibly high failure rate, which by my own estimation is because they involve little to no strategy.  And I’m not just talking gyms and diets.

Anyone can buy a gym membership or try the latest New York Times best-selling diet.  That part’s easy.  What usually doesn’t come so easy is marrying your mindset with your skill set.

[bctt tweet=”If there is any part of you that doesn’t want to lose weight, ultimately that part will prevail.”] It may sound ludicrous, but in my years of coaching and teaching on the topic of emotional eating, it’s become clear that for many people, there’s a part of them that wants to and a part of them that doesn’t.

Unfortunately, the part of you that doesn’t is the part that controls your comfort zone, or in other words, the place where you feel the safest, which is why it always wins out.  It’s the part of you that protects you from danger, the only problem being that in this case losing weight is hardly dangerous.

Maybe you fear too much attention, or you’re worried if you lose it you’ll just gain it right back, or it’s too much work anyways so why bother?  There are any number of (subconscious) reasons that keep weight stuck.

In the deepest recesses of your mind is where the answers lie as to why you rebound with your weight time and time again.  No diet center will ever teach you that.  Luckily though, once you figure out what they are, you’ll master your weight forever.

In the meantime, if you’d rather just stick to the old-fashioned way, I put together a checklist to help you try to get back on track before it’s time to set new resolutions again!  These 5 tips are sure to help point you in the right direction with your weight and help override any tricky thinking that’s going on that you don’t even know about.

  1. Keep a food journal.  Now I know you’ve heard this one a million times before, but, you’ve probably never tried it my way.  The food journal I give my clients includes things like eating speed, what you say to yourself when you’re eating, what your beliefs are about food, and how much pleasure you get from what you’re eating.  If you’re struggling to lose weight, try tracking new metrics like these and see if they work instead of just carbs in carbs out, and calorie-counting.
  2. Add in more exercise.  Again, nothing new here, and why not?  It’s summer!  But, not only that, have you ever tried T Tapp?  I just discovered this one recently myself and what I like most about it is how effective it is in a short amount of time.  I’m not one for hour-long workouts, and for many people, T Tapp works in just 15 minutes a day.  And, it’ extremely low intensity.  My hardcore workout days are over!  A simple Google search will show you what I’m talking about.
  3. Drink more water.  Rule #1: Water is water.  As much as I know this, even I neglect it.  All those frou-frou drinks that you think are substitutes aren’t either.  Your liver doesn’t process alcohol, coffee, tea, or anything else the same as it does water, so despite what you might think, you can’t slide on this one.  Personally I love water but I also love sweet tea!  In order to properly hydrate not to mention rid your diet of excess sugar, you’re going to have to nix any beverage that’s not water, or at the very least cut way down.
  4. Cut refined sugar.  Speaking of excess sugar, there is no single better way to lose weight than to cut sugar.  Fat is not what makes you fat.  Sugar makes you fat!  When everyone went fat-free back in the 90’s, everyone got fat, so if you’re overweight, don’t blame fat.  Blame the real culprit.  Sugar!
  5. Give your fridge a makeover.  If it’s not there you can’t eat it, so do yourself a favor and rid your fridge of anything that’s too tempting.  Often times when people say they could never give something up like cheese, peanut butter, or burgers, it’s not because you love it as much as you’re addicted to it, literally.  But, out of sight out of mind prevails.  Plus, you’d be surprised at what you’re capable of when willpower takes over.  

You wouldn’t believe how making small changes go a long way.  And, don’t underestimate their power.  Many small changes eventually result in one big transformation, but if you don’t notice them right away, don’t give up because all my tips can do nothing but good!          

Chronic fatigue is the top complaint for people over 40, but it doesn't have to be!  Download your free copy of The Top 10 Ways to Stop Feeling So Tired All the Time – Drug-Free and Naturally! and get more energy ASAP without exercise or spending a single cent!

~ Angela

Angela Minelli is Landing page imagean author, speaker and founder of Angela Minelli International, a heart-based global business serving purpose-driven everyday women and entrepreneurs whose self-image and weight issues are inhibiting their confidence and blocking them from pursuing their life’s passion. 

Angela's joy is in taking a stand for women who are living less than ideal lives, stopped by fear and doubt, which prevents them from stepping into their innate power and delivering their God-given genius to the world. Her coaching programs and products are designed for women with busy lifestyles yet allow for powerful transformation to take place within a small segment of time.  

As a natural health practitioner and digestive health specialist, Angela specializes in helping people overcome weight and energy issues through holistic, non-invasive protocols that address the root cause of their conditions, including adrenal fatigue, candida, thyroid disorders, and more.  

Explore the ideals that are the cornerstone of her work at