Usually when you think of losing weight, you don't typically consult your local temple or start a prayer circle. That’s because weight loss today is commonly centered around diets like low-cal, low-fat or low-carb, or treadmills and marathons.
But have you ever considered the spiritual side to weight loss?
I know I never did, until recently, when spirituality took center stage over every part of my life, including my body. The process of transitioning from employed to self-employment was an examination of faith on many levels. If anyone had tried to tell me that a higher place of spiritual understanding would be the most rewarding outcome of all, even just a few years ago, I wouldn’t have believed them. But as with most things, I had to see it for myself to believe it.
And boy did I ever!
Anyone who’s in business for themselves can attest to how unsettling it can be at times, especially when it’s just you running the business by yourself. Step-by-step, the further into it I got, any security I had known before was slowing ripped from my tight-fisted grip, particularly financially. The money that supported me the first few years after I left my job eventually ran out, and due to my own ignorance over what I was trying to do in the first place, was not replaced at the same rate I spent it.
Not even close, and that’s when fear crept in.
The many sides of fear I'd hidden over the years began to unfold in ways I never realized existed within me, and not just over money but my body too. I first began to see how I used weight all along to protect myself in times when I felt uncertain or afraid of what might happen if I really let myself be myself. I started putting myself out there in ways I never had before, on social media and my website, as a coach and practitioner, which scared me deep down and triggered a childlike reaction to my circumstances, that being to gain weight out of fear of attack. What if someone didn't like me? What if I said the wrong thing?
My logic had always been if I was unattractive, people would ignore me; when I got really scared, I gained the most.
Shrouded in the so-called security of a job, I was clueless to what lied just beneath the surface of my psyche. To say I was astonished when it did surface would be an understatement. Instead, it’s more like flabbergasted. How could it be that for 41 years I never really knew myself?
No doubt the universe has a tricky way of enlightening you. All the twists and turns of developing a business were new to me and things I’d never encountered before. Unfortunately I had very few resources available to comfort me either. All my friends had jobs, and my family too, and it seemed like anyone who might have even the slightest inkling wasn’t confessing.
I was truly on my own.
Many times I asked myself if it was worth it, dared to admit I regretted it, and would’ve taken a bullet over conceding that anyone who said ”I told you so” was right! In my darkest moments, I condemned God for putting me through it all, and it was actually then that I awoke and began to see clearly how every experience, every moment and every person I encountered had been sent by Him to help me realize that what I once believed brought me security had all been a big facade.
Weight didn’t protect me at all, and neither did money. I thought it did, but in reality, it didn’t and neither brought me the kind of security I longed for. [bctt tweet=”Eating myself into oblivion to pile on weight only served to damaged my gut,”] and leave me with stretch marks and low self-esteem. In the end, I realized I’m my only protector, I just needed a healthy mind to know it. I eventually concluded that food could never make me feel secure when I was scared or felt unloved and that the only way to fill the void I felt in the first place was to turn to faith.
As for money, my true security lies in my ability to make it, not a fat bank account or that I have a robust pension waiting for me one day. There have been times I barely had $10 to get through the week, all my bills went late for months, and I didn’t know if I’d get through it, but somehow I did, which ultimately led me to conclude that money is as fleeting as time and had I never gone through any of it, I would’ve never known that and would’ve kept praising the wrong god, that god being money.
There isn’t anything in my life today that isn’t touched by my belief that it can be helped by faith, especially weight. If I gain weight, it doesn’t turn into years of self-loathing like it used to but rather a matter of simply applying what I already know to correct it. It doesn’t mean I’m a failure, it just means I’m human, I just never realized before that I was fully equipped as is and didn't have to abuse food to survive.
I've learned to the contrary that God often works through setbacks to help you grow and evolve, not hurt you, for what better way to get your attention than to have your world fall apart? Life is too easy otherwise and besides, your spirit sits dormant when you're not in flux whereas fulfilling your purpose requires spiritual growth.
It’s actually a genius strategy considering for so many women, even 5 or 10 lbs can be devastating.
Your struggle with weight can’t always be reduced to a lack of exercise and overeating like you’re inclined to think. That’s actually the easy part. Belief in yourself, your ability and your Higher Power connects you to your higher self, where all truth lies and all untruths are revealed, making it obvious what misalignments to correct so that your natural shape evolves naturally and effortlessly.
The best way to get started getting more energy and losing weight is to download my free report The Top 10 Ways to Stop Feeling So Tired All the Time – Drug-Free and Naturally! Just click below.
Angela Minelli
Angela Minelli is an author, speaker and founder of Angela Minelli International, a heart-based global business serving purpose-driven everyday women and entrepreneurs whose self-image and weight issues are inhibiting their confidence and blocking them from pursuing their life’s passion.
Angela's joy is in taking a stand for women who are living less than ideal lives, stopped by fear and doubt, which prevents them from stepping into their innate power and delivering their God-given genius to the world. Her coaching programs and products are designed for women with busy lifestyles yet allow for powerful transformation to take place within a small segment of time.
As a natural health practitioner and digestive health specialist, Angela specializes in helping people overcome weight and energy issues through holistic, non-invasive protocols that address the root cause of their conditions, including adrenal fatigue, candida, thyroid disorders, and more.
Explore the ideals that are the cornerstone of her work at