I inadvertenly stumbled upon cod liver oil recently because I mistakenly drank too much apple cider vinegar for a month or so and it totally screwed up the enamel on my teeth. So after reading Ramiel Nagel’s Cure Tooth Decay, I learned all about cod liver oil’s ability to not only cure tooth decay, but to help re-mineralize and regrow tooth enamel too.
(Yes, believe it or not, your dentist is wrong on that one!)
Being an absolute freak about my teeth, it was a no-brainer. I started double-dosing it ASAP. But then curiously, as I went along, I discovered the many benefits of cod liver oil aside from my original intent for taking it. And it made my heart sing!
I know I know. You’re probably already thinking, “Ick.” I was too at first, but I’ll also do anything to preserve the health of my body and in particular, my teeth, so I quickly got over it. I found a brand by Green Pasture too that makes it much more palatable so taste-wise, it’s completely doable.
No kidding!
Now, for the benefits I mentioned. Trust me, once you get past the notion that it’s a 1950’s old wives tale, you’ll be singing its praises too!
It’s an excellent source of Vitamin D. You know those winter blues you’re struggling with, sometimes referred to as SAD? That, and even certain diseases, are known to be caused by a lack of vitamin D. It’s one of the most neglected vitamins but one of the most powerful. [bctt tweet=”Your body manufactures vitamin D as a result of sun exposure, and is actually a hormone.”] It's the precursor to cholesterol, which is necessary for healthy hormone regulation. So needless to say, this one tops the list when it comes to taking cod liver oil.
It’s rich in Omega-3’s. I’m sure you’ve heard of them. You know, essential fatty acids, otherwise known as EFAs? They’re essential because your body needs them, but doesn’t make them, so you gotta get ‘em somewhere! Why not make it cod liver oil? Omega-3’s are responsible for lowered blood pressure, less arthritic joint pain, better cognitive functioning, and can even help alleviate depression. Fish oil also seems to help boost the effects of antidepressants too and lessen the depressive symptoms of bipolar disorder. Therefore, this is one fat you don’t want to cut back on.
It’s a natural mood regulator. No one likes feeling moody, but as they say, it happens. Studies have shown that people with low levels of omega-3’s are more anxious, depressed, more impulsive, anger easily, and are super moody. Hence the need for those omegas once again! More omegas will naturally do the opposite thereby reducing aggression and hostility and preventing anxiety and depression.
It’s brain food, plain and simple. As if it’s not already obvious, cod liver oil helps with healthy brain function. Reducing anxiety and depression alone should be enough to convince you of its uber efficacy, but in case you need more, it straight up helps you think. Omega-3’s support your brain throughout your life, including socially, with communication, fine motor skills, and IQ. People over 50 who take a half teaspoon a day have noticed meaningful improvement in cognitive function, attention and reaction times. I say it’s a win-win!
It prevents heart disease. Due to its abundance of vitamins and omega-3’s, cod liver oil has been known to reduce the build-up of plaque in the arteries as well as prevent blood clots, warding off the potential of heart disease later on. Ultimately, it’s a boost to the entire cardiovascular system overall, which helps you avoid many of the factors that lead to heart disease to begin with and ensures longevity and vitality for life.
It’s a powerful anti-inflammatory. Cod liver oil has been successfully used in the treatment of RA, migraines, chronic joint pain, and more. It reduces the intensity and frequency of these painful conditions naturally and is a much safer alternative for chronic pain than NSAIDS.
- It supports healthy bones. Calcium is king when it comes to your bones, right? Wrong! Vitamin D takes no back seat to calcium when it comes to bone health and preventing loss of bones density. Both rickets and osteoporosis are a result of calcium and vitamin D deficiencies, and not just for kids and elderly but everyone in between. A simple, cheap way to prevent both is to take cod liver oil. Adequate vitamin D levels correct many of the problems associated with these conditions by helping your body absorb calcium which in turn, increases bone mass and density.
As is evidenced, cod liver oil is a powerhouse when it comes to your health and especially at helping you live a long fulfilling life. Few natural supplements are as effective at guaranteeing total body health and literally none compare to what it can do to make you look and feel better, and years younger.
Although I discovered it myself in a roundabout way, I’m thankful I did, as it’s helped offset the process of aging which has not only taken me by surprise at times but has left me wondering how to regain the vigor of my youth, which it alone has encouraged and enhanced naturally.
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Angela Minelli is an author, speaker and founder of Angela Minelli International, a heart-based global business serving purpose-driven everyday women and entrepreneurs whose self-image and weight issues are inhibiting their confidence and blocking them from pursuing their life’s passion.
Angela's joy is in taking a stand for women who are living less than ideal lives, stopped by fear and doubt, which prevents them from stepping into their innate power and delivering their God-given genius to the world. Her coaching programs and products are designed for women with busy lifestyles yet allow for powerful transformation to take place within a small segment of time.
As a natural health practitioner and digestive health specialist, Angela specializes in helping people overcome weight and energy issues through holistic, non-invasive protocols that address the root cause of their conditions, including adrenal fatigue, candida, thyroid disorders, and more.
Explore the ideals that are the cornerstone of her work at angelaminelli.com.