Stones and waterI often get asked what I do every day to be healthy, not just with my diet but in life, which is a favorite question of mine because I love sharing my most popular daily habits. 

It’s taken me years to unravel a set of basic principles I live by that make me feel good, any time any day.  But I have.  Which is why I refuse to live any other way!

Everyone’s unique, so what I do may not necessarily work for you, but it’s worth a try if what you’re doing isn’t working.  There’s a part of maintaining control that requires giving it up at the same time, which is an understanding that I came by the hard way yet led me to the following 7 steps I won’t live without.

  1. Embrace Your Quirkiness.  Growing up, I always felt like the odd one out.  No one seemed to “get me” which made me not want to be me.  The slightest strange look or cockeyed head made me conform to the norm, and in that sense, I abandoned myself.  Not until halfway through life did I wake up to this fact which set me in reverse and took me down a long twisting road only to find myself again.  Had I just accepted myself to begin with, I’d have been much better off!
  2. 90/10 Rule.  Let’s get one thing straight – no one’s perfect, so stop trying to be.  I know people even now who practically have a checklist of everything they should have in order to be accepted, and it’s useless.  The way I see it is if I’m good about 90% of the time, it’s ok to slip up 10%, and that includes with eating.  Do your best but don’t stress about it.  If you make a mistake, it’s temporary, not forever, but wallowing in it keeps you stuck in the same place indefinitely.
  3. Don’t Push Yourself.  I see people all the time chasing after money, running out of time, overworking themselves, trying to be perfect (see #2), and thinking they’ll be able to keep up with it all without getting sick or dying a premature death.  If there’s one lesson I’ve learned so far, whatever you’re afraid of happening will most certainly happen if you stay focused on it long enough, and pushing yourself to the brink trying to prevent it from happening is a losing strategy!  You have to put yourself first which sometimes means turning down extracurricular activities, sleeping in more and learning the art of relaxation.
  4. Live for the Moment.  I used to be a big planner, but that changed when I turned 40.  Now I’m much more spontaneous and free!  By a certain time in life, you realize it will all be over someday, which helps you take things less seriously.  Plus, it becomes more about the experience than the rewards.  [bctt tweet=”Don’t miss what’s right in front of you because you’re worried about tomorrow,”] else you’ll regret it.
  5. Refuse to Engage in Negative Thinking.  You know those beliefs that like to convince you you’re failing, nothing good ever happens to you and you should be afraid for no good reason?  (Hand raised!) That used to be my everyday thinking.  Worry was a recurrent theme in my life, even when there was nothing to worry about!  What a relief it was to finally let it go and go with the flow as the saying goes.  Negativity masquerades as a warning sign, to alert you to danger, but the only problem is 99.9% of the time there IS no danger!  It’s a false alarm mostly keeping you from your destiny.  If this is you, it has to change ASAP!
  6. Give Up Gluten and Dairy (and Sugar).  It’s true, they’re all highly toxic, and don’t do a body good no matter what the dairy industry says.  Gluten is the gluey protein found in wheat, barley and rye that acts like glue in your gut; dairy cause mucous and inflammation and is a surefire way to gain weight; and sugar is so addictive it’s technically classified as a drug, but the FDA doesn’t want you to know that!  You have to take charge of your diet to live a purpose-filled, passionate life otherwise you’ll just feel like crap all the time and who wants that???!
  7. 10 Daily Gratitudes.  Thank God I developed this habit, because it’s hands down made the biggest difference for me in my life singlehandedly.  Let’s just say I wasn’t grateful for hardly anything, but had you asked me, I would’ve said I was.  I learned to practice gratitude at the most profoundest level, and when I did the most amazing things started happening!  My finances improved, my relationships strengthened, even my health got better, and I was pretty healthy to begin with!  No area of my life goes untouched by gratitude, not even the grumpy people who try to ruin my day.  If you want a quick easy way to change your life around, start here.

Never underestimate the power of making small changes for they can create a ripple effect that will one day impact you on a much bigger scale, in so many different ways.  Most people feel overwhelmed with lifestyle changes, so if you can’t do them all, start with one, and week by week add one more. 

In just a short amount of time, you’ll be truly amazed by what your life becomes, and truly grateful you invested the time to do it too. 

Speaking of health, if you have no energy, it doesn't have to be that way!  Get 2x energy drug-free and naturally by downloading my free report The Top 10 Ways to Stop Feeling So Tired All the Time – Drug-Free and Naturally! today!

Angela Minelli

Landing page imageAngela Minelli is an author, speaker and founder of Angela Minelli International, a heart-based global business serving purpose-driven everyday women and entrepreneurs whose self-image and weight issues are inhibiting their confidence and blocking them from pursuing their life’s passion. 

Angela's joy is in taking a stand for women who are living less than ideal lives, stopped by fear and doubt, which prevents them from stepping into their innate power and delivering their God-given genius to the world. Her coaching programs and products are designed for women with busy lifestyles yet allow for powerful transformation to take place within a small segment of time.  

As a natural health practitioner and digestive health specialist, Angela specializes in helping people overcome weight and energy issues through holistic, non-invasive protocols that address the root cause of their conditions, including adrenal fatigue, candida, thyroid disorders, and more.  

Explore the ideals that are the cornerstone of her work at