Mint Chocolate Chip Detox Shake

I love this shake, detox or not!   The origins came to me by way of Dr. Sara Gottfried who I personally think is an absolute genius when it comes to understanding hormones and their effect on weight and health, especially around menopause.  Recently approaching it myself I've definitely seen a few extra pounds around my […]

Mid-Year Resolutions Checklist

Can you believe it?  It's already June!  But do you remember those resolutions you made way back when, say January?  FACT:  Resolutions have an incredibly high failure rate, which by my own estimation is because they involve little to no strategy.  And I’m not just talking gyms and diets. Anyone can buy a gym membership […]

3 Tips to Avoiding the Hotel Mini Bar

With the holidays just around the corner, the chances you'll be traveling tend to go up, so I figured I'd share my top 3 surefire tips to avoiding the mini bar in your hotel room! With all my experience traveling, both personally and professionally, I've nailed this one you could say, and with all those tempting treats […]

The Real Culprit Behind Burps, Belches and Bloating

What you're about to learn may shock you. Believe it or not, the real culprit of burps, belches and groans is not what you think.  The antacid companies, a multi-billion dollar a year industry, have the majority of folks thinking that heartburn and gas are due to too much stomach acid, yet the truth is it's actually due […]