50% off sale on my most popular kick-sugar system!

It's that time of year!   Aside from being my favorite (I'm a total weenie!), sugar is everywhere – more so than usual.  Now don't get me wrong.  I don't demonize any one particular food. Sugar has a purpose, except when it becomes a crutch, as it is for so many people. If that's you, […]

4 Reasons Why You Will Never Have Any Energy If You Keep Eating Sugar

Sugar has gotten a bad rap over the years, and rightfully so.  Otherwise known as the bad boy of the food industry, you’ll be hard pressed to find food made without it, which makes sense considering the drive for food manufacturers is profit versus health. Initially used to sweeten breakfast porridge in 1689, the first […]

Mid-Year Resolutions Checklist

Can you believe it?  It's already June!  But do you remember those resolutions you made way back when, say January?  FACT:  Resolutions have an incredibly high failure rate, which by my own estimation is because they involve little to no strategy.  And I’m not just talking gyms and diets. Anyone can buy a gym membership […]

The Sweet Truth About Stevia

I’ve gone back and forth with stevia for years.  It seems like sometimes I like it, sometimes I love it, and sometimes I’m like, “meh.” But the bottom line is, stevia has helped me out of a tight spot more than once.  I’ve been known to have a sweet tooth, and the older I’ve gotten, the […]