How Enzyme Deficiencies Are the Missing Link to Almost Every Chronic Condition You Have

Enzymes are one of two things you need to break down food.  That, and hydrochloric acid (HCl). But what happens when you’re enzyme deficient?  Food enzyme deficiency has been speculated as a major cause of many chronic diseases.  In fact, it's one of the best-kept secrets to solving and preventing disease! Enzyme nutrition therapy is not […]

5 Likely Reasons You’re Low in Enzymes and What to Do About It

An often neglected aspect of health is enzymes, and even more so, the signs of an enzyme deficiency and how it affects you.  In fact, most people aren’t even sure what enzymes are, what they do, or how critical they are when the truth is, enzymes guarantee life whereas without them, life could not exist.  […]

The Real Culprit Behind Burps, Belches and Bloating

What you're about to learn may shock you. Believe it or not, the real culprit of burps, belches and groans is not what you think.  The antacid companies, a multi-billion dollar a year industry, have the majority of folks thinking that heartburn and gas are due to too much stomach acid, yet the truth is it's actually due […]