5 Feelings You Must Master in Order for Weight Loss to Work

Most people are under the impression that when it comes to losing weight, it’s all about what you’re doing instead of what you’re thinking, and nothing could be further from the truth. Because the truth is, [bctt tweet=”the most critical part of weight loss doesn’t begin in your body. It begins in your head!”] What […]

8 Tips to Going Gluten-Free Easily

Going gluten-free seems to be all the rage.  Over the last 5-10 years alone, it’s become increasingly more and more popular, and in my opinion, more and more confusing!  Whether you’re gluten-free or not, it’s certainly gotten a lot of people’s attention either way, and at the same time, has a lot of people confused […]

Why People-Pleasers Are Overweight

Are you one of those people who tries to make everyone happy?  If you’re reading this article, I'm guessing so! People-pleasers know who they are.  There’s no mistaking that one person you can count on, every time.  But on the same hand, who can she count on? The perpetual over-worker, the perpetual under-sleeper, the perpetually happy.  […]

How to Honor Your Feelings Without Food

One of the hardest things for an emotional eater to do is to put food down when they’re in the throes of an emotional eating episode.  But if you ever stand a chance of breaking the cycle, it’s critical that you learn how. In all my years in practice, plus my own life experience itself, […]